Monday, 2 November 2015

Touched up finally!

So I finally caved in and touched up at almost 32 weeks post, longest stretch so far! I used the same relaxer like I did last time.
file photo
I self relaxed/texlaxed and strangely enough the process was much easier than previous times this time round. I detangled and then sectioned my hair into four parts unlike my usual three and quite honestly I prefer four sections to three. Much easier to work around. I based my scalp, hairline, neck and ears with the scalp protecting gel that came with the kit and then proceeded to self relax. I started off with a rat tail comb and abandoned it after the second application and used my hands instead I work faster with my hands as opposed to a using a comb, I smoothened using my hands as well. The entire process application, smoothening and wait time took about fifteen minutes. I rinsed it off and then neutralized using the neutralizing shampoo that came with the kit. I can’t remember how long I took rinsing and shampooing but it was quite long I don’t mess with residue relaxer so I had to make sure it was all out before conditioning. Conditioning done I rinsed off and then t-shirt dried, applied my leave in, coconut oil and then blow dried on medium heat. I will do a proper intensive deep condition in a few days I was out of time this time; so much to do so little time.
Nairobi I have Dudu Osun African Black Soap for sale if interested please email me It’s Ksh 400 only.
photo source: Amazon

The Wash Day Experience


  1. Awesome results! You roots are laid and your hair is so shiny and healthy!

  2. I agree with Andrea. Can't wait to see full length

    1. Thanks Abena! I hope to flat iron soon and will do a length check post on it when i do:)

  3. Your roots look so shiny. Well done.

  4. Lovely your hair is looking very nice and healthy mrembo!


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