Tuesday, 28 October 2014

Vintage Hair Tutorials!

Look what I found on YouTube! Great stuff!!!

They talk about vinegar and lemon juice rinse in this video from the 1950s…

This next one from 1948 is how to straighten black hair they use hot combs...the dreaded hot combs! I still shudder at my childhood hot comb memories burnt ears anyone?



  1. Very cool to see these hair videos from way back when. And I'm with you, I definitely don't miss those hot comb days. LOL!

    1. They really are cool! Andrea could you please change my URL on your blogroll the old one that doesn't work anymore is still reflected (I changed my blog name) here's the new one http://lydzcrowningglory.blogspot.com
      thanks hun!

    2. I thought I had updated it, but I guess it didn't take. I'll try it again. Thanks, Lydz!

    3. Thanks Andrea just checked again and the new one is in place:)

  2. This is so cool! I love seeing things like this from the past :) and lord, this brought me back to being at my grandmother's house and her putting the hot comb on the stove and then testing it with a paper towel lol we weren't fancy enough for the electric comb.


    1. We had the stove top hot comb too! I love all things vintage as well. Thanks for stopping by:)


Thank you for reading...feel free to add a comment, suggestion or question. I am always happy to hear from you! Lydz.