Wednesday 21 May 2014


I used to take it for granted that anyone who uses the internet knows that you can find tutorials on basically anything on YouTube turns out that I was wrong some people’s sole purpose for YouTube is music videos and movies. Just in case you are one of those people and is struggling with doing your own hair here are a few tutorials on do it yourself protective styles found on YouTube. 

Box braids: World of Braiding Tutorial

Cornrows: Breanna Rutter Tutorial

Please check both YouTube channels featured here for plenty more tutorials. Both channels have awesome tutorials only difference is in the first channel the tutorials are done on someone else's hair while in the second channel the YouTuber does her own hair. 


  1. Cool! Thanks for sharing! You may be surprised to now that I don't watch YT much. I do more forum / blog researching than video watching.
    Divachyk | Relaxed Thairapy

    1. You are most welcome! I am a very visual person I prefer to see than read when it comes to tutorials so YT is better for me. I do the same with recipes as well lol I will remember step by step instructions that I watched being done than a recipe I read in a book.

  2. Anything I want to find I Google or Youtube it lol

    1. Me too Tomes! Sometimes I wonder how we ever lived without Google lol


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