Tuesday 15 October 2024

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Tuesday 8 October 2024

October!!! And Some Avocado Oil…


October is here in all it’s splendour! First things first thank you to everyone who gifted me on my birthday in September. My PayPal notifications were amazing no matter how big or small I appreciate each and every one of your gifts. You don’t know how much your gifts meant to me you made my birthday worthwhile thank you so much everyone! Here’s hoping you have a wonderful month of October and as you have gifted me may others gift you as well. I love you all!


In other news I made some Avocado oil! I know! Hahaha it was more out of need than anything else since I couldn’t find my brand of avocado oil that I use for skincare and haircare close to my house, so I just decided to make some with help from a YouTube video. I come from one of the world’s top avocado exporting countries, my maternal grandparents have an avocado tree right outside their front door not to mention the ones doted all over their homestead and farm, they would be proud of me right now if they were here!


I got 30ml from one and a half large avocadoes
 I got 30ml from one and a half large avocadoes


 I saw this quoted on twitter and thought to share it here “Do not rob yourself of experiences just because you have nobody to go with”


October is Organised

October is Organic

October is Ownership

October is Openness



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Sunday 1 September 2024

Hi September, Hello Birthday Month…

September is hereeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Where my Libras at? My birthday month is here, and I couldn’t be more grateful to turn a year older. This is a significant birthday for me more like a return to self and I couldn’t be more excited. September marks the onset of autumn in the Northern Hemisphere and spring in the Southern Hemisphere and anyone who knows me knows that these two are my best seasons, I am a spring/autumn girl. I love autumn, leaves changing colour, it’s not too cold but cold enough to be warm and cozy indoors. I love spring, flowers blossoming everywhere and the onset of sunny colourful days.


Speaking of flowers blossoming in spring, there was a whole discourse on Twitter the other day about romantic partners gifting flowers or the lack thereof. Which left me wondering if some people’s love of flowers is more social media romance conditioning than an actual love of flowers. Because some people live in houses with backyards, front yards, side yards you name it with nary a flower bush in sight, but they say they love flowers. Real flower lovers with a yard will have a flower bush or two, I have seen flower lovers who live in flats/apartments grow flowers in their balcony. So, do you really love flowers in a romantic gesture kind of way, or has social media conditioned you to love flowers in a romantic gesture kind of way? I do not really care for flowers as a gift romantic or otherwise, I mean there are pretty to look at, but they really are not my thing, I would grow flowers however if I had a yard because they make the yard look pretty, but I wouldn’t be heartbroken if someone didn’t get me flowers no matter the occasion.


If anything, I would prefer a useful plant like an aloe vera you know something I can actually use or some herbs, I love fresh herbs, flowers as a gift not so much. Speaking of gifts, I am accepting gifts all month for my birthday so if you want to send me a gift you can do so via my PayPal at bonyolydia@gmail.com.  If you would like to use a different method, please send me a message using the same email address for my details. Thanks everyone and may you have a blessed, bountiful and abundant month.


September is BLESSED

September is REAWAKENING

September is SINCERE

September is SOLUTIONS


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Wednesday 7 August 2024

Be Good August…


After an amazing end to June I am sad to report that July was “challenging” to say the least and the worst part is most of it was due to the actions of others. But we move in faith. Here’s to an amazing month of August!!! And once again I am totally in awe of people named after months what do you mean your name is Augusta, Augustina, Augustine, Augustino and so on and so forth. I absolutely love it!


August is ABUNDANT


August is AMAZING




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Friday 19 July 2024

No One Is Coming To Save You…

I totally disagree with this rhetoric and roll my eyes every time someone posts it on social media. While I agree that one has to make the ultimate decision to turn things around or change their life for the better people can and must be saved as and when needed. Because you see that person that;

·       Recommends you for a job

·       Lends you their laptop so you can apply for work

·       Shares their internet password with you so you can access the internet and access opportunities

·       Helps you polish your CV/Resume

·       That helped with your job or college application

·       That person that put you on to an opportunity

·       Gives you bus or cab fare to your job interview

·    Offers to coach and prepare you for your interview

·       Offers you a place to stay while you are in between houses

·       Turns up at your door with groceries when you didn’t even know where your next meal will come from

·       Gives you a motivating pep talk

·       That person that promotes the product you are selling

·       That person that speaks your name in rooms you didn’t even know existed

·       That person that gives you a shout out on their platform that leads to more opportunities

All these people are there to save you. There are so many examples that cannot fit here today but someone is absolutely coming to save you.


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Friday 5 July 2024

Come Here July…


June was an amazing amazing month. I got to reconnect with two friends that I hadn’t seen in a couple of years… we live on two different continents…met some new friends through them. I travelled to a destination out of the country that I have been wanting to travel to for almost a year literally next door to me but somehow it hadn’t happened, little did I know the Creator had better plans for me in terms of travelling to this destination than I had for myself, and I am glad this trip happened when it did. June was such a wholesome wholesome month for me truly wholesome! I got to kick off a few other items off my bucket list which was great. Thanks to an amazing month, amazing friendships and amazing moments. I am super grateful for June.


Heres to an even more amazing July!!!


July feels like ABUNDANCE

July feels like HAPPINESS

July feels like CREATIVITY

July feels like REVOLUTION



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Saturday 1 June 2024



Hello June and once again I am absolutely fascinated by people named after months. May was better than April that’s for sure reconnected big time with someone who is a blessing in my life and for that I am grateful. This person means the world to me and all I want for them is all of life’s goodness, the best things life has to offer, may all their dreams come true, may they be blessed beyond measure just like their name. 


People who are in denial and like to sweep things under the rug and not address issues...what is the problem how can we help? I don’t understand why you would rather pretend something doesn’t exist instead of accepting what is there what is happening and take steps to either adapt, adjust or remedy the situation. Pretending that it doesn’t happen will not make you immune to it. That is all.


June feels like RESET

June feels like HOPE

June feels like RECONNECTION

June feels like OPPORTUNITIES



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