
Hello there, thank you for stopping by. This blog was originally about my hair journey but has since transformed over the years to include a variety of lifestyle topics not necessarily  related to hair. We still talk about hair and hair journeys on here but we also talk about lifestyle issues or topics of interest. I hope you enjoy reading the blog thanks.

Hair Story

This is what my hair normally looks like used to look like;

March 2012

Several months of improper care among others led to breakage. While racking my brain trying to think of what went wrong I found all the major culprits; I had an unnecessary trim after a relaxer touch up in July 2012 which led to a loss of length, lack of regular moisturizing resulting in dry brittle hair prone to breakage and the biggest culprit of them all too much direct heat especially once my new growth started emerging I would blow dry on the highest heat setting possible sometimes twice a week. If memory serves me well the most damage to my hair occurred between July and September 2012 when I wore my hair down a lot with hardly any protective styling within that period. This is what my hair looked like in November 2012;

November 2012

Which led to a wake up call and the onset of my consistent healthy hair journey, so I trimmed the frayed/split ends which took it to this length;

24th December 2012

And started taking better care of my hair; the process involves consistently following a regimen, change in products used, regular deep conditioning, moisturizing more frequently, plus more protective and low manipulation styles. 
23rd September 2013:  9 months later

Got a one inch trim in January 2014 so still at shoulder length.

March 2015 touch up making progress read all about it here

August 2016 touch up read all about it here

Link to my Ebook below;


  1. I was on another blog and glimpsed your bun and oh my....I came right over here to tell you, it's stunning! Happy Hair Growing~


  2. your hair looks amazing!!! good job!

    1. Thank you Lebo! Sorry for the late reply I am only just seeing your comment:)


Thank you for reading...feel free to add a comment, suggestion or question. I am always happy to hear from you! Lydz.