Thursday, 1 March 2018

Hair Update And a Touch Up Finally!

Late November 2017…starts blog post…
I finally touched up my hair after God knows how long. This was my longest stretch yet, I believe, I went a year and some months. My last touch up was sometime in 2016 This was a totally unplanned stretch to be honest I have been feeling uninspired to do anything with my hair this year. My side business is partly to blame for that; I crotchet scarves and beanies on the side and I ended up making myself some beanies which would end up on my head almost all the time if I didn’t feel like doing anything to my hair. But on the other hand it ended up actually being a good thing coz my hair was always in a protective style under those beanies so that worked perfectly ok for me. Low manipulation, reduced breakage and all. That was very much needed and good for my hair and length retention.

I used Dark and Lovely Beautiful Beginnings no lye relaxer kit as always.  I touched up like I always do starting at the back coz I long figured out my back hair takes longer to process so it only makes sense to start with the back in order to avoid over processing the front bit. Touch up, shampoo and very thorough rinsing done I deep conditioned with Shea Moisture Jamaican Black Castor Oil Strengthen and Grow Treatment Masque with Shea butter, Peppermint and Keratin wow that is a mouthful! This was a free sample (two sachets) I received at a hair event I recently attended, and my hair loved it so much I think I will be purchasing the full-size tub. It made my hair feel so soft I was tempted to do nothing else to it after rinsing until the next day. Which I did save for applying a leave in conditioner and let it air dry and left everything else until the next morning.

image source: Amazon

The next morning I oiled my scalp with this blend of amla oil, see the ingredient list below. It’s called Bio Amla by a company called Vedova. I quite like the way it smells and how lightweight it is. This is my first time using this particular brand of amla I bought a 50ml bottle and I can already see myself repurchasing a bigger size bottle when this one runs out. I had this insane need to use amla or anything along those lines these last few weeks so I went out and got myself a bottle. Scalp done I applied my leave in conditioner and did two jumbo braids. The plan is to do a henna treatment three days later.

Continues typing blog post…February 2018
Day three well more like two thousand years later in February 2018 I finally did the henna treatment! Well what had happened I don’t even know why I stayed this long well a lot happened the Christmas holidays included but the bottom line is I finally did my henna treatment.
I added a bit of food colour to my henna mix, it gives my hair red highlights which i like. it is temporary so a little bit washes off with every wash

Henna treatment done I had my hair rinsed and applied this leave in conditioner from mega growth and then my cousin blow dried my hair for me at her salon and we were done at least for now. 

I KNOW I need a trim that will be done some time soon if not the next two thousand years hahaha soon I promise those ends look terrible I am currently in buns 90% of the time so they don’t bother me as much but I know the importance of trimming ends etc so I will get it done asap.


Yeah I know not the tub you are used to seeing, I almost thought I had been sold a bootleg tub or something and did a quick online search and found similar tubs I guess they rebranded. It says new improved formula on the tub. I love the consistency not too thick and not too runny just perfect.

This leave in I bought after using a sachet sample size that came from a mega growth relaxer kit on my niece’s hair. Now my niece has really coarse and thick hair and detangling it is normally a festival of tears. Not this time though this leave in worked wonders on her hair, I saturated her hair in sections with the leave in and detangling time was a breeze. My hair loves it so far, I have been using it for about a month and I have no regrets plus it smells amazing too. I use it as a daily leave in as I realised early on in my hair journey that my hair leans more towards leave in conditioners as opposed to hair lotions or moisturisers for daily use. This is a product I will definitely be repurchasing.

This I bought just because it was the only alternative at my local grocery store and I needed to shampoo my hair that night.  I don’t mind it, it does a good job of cleansing my hair without leaving it dry only downside for me at least, is that it is a creamy shampoo, I much rather prefer clear shampoos.
last but not least...
A girl can never have too many bobby pins:)