Sunday, 1 January 2023

Of Traditions...


I got into a Christmas traditions rabbit hole this holiday season thanks to YouTube, and it was quite fascinating learning about the history of most of the staple Christmas traditions widely practiced worldwide, like the Christmas tree and its decorations and Christmas cards among others. Traditions some of which are quite recent most being just a little over a century old. In my learning and unlearning it was interesting to discover how these traditions were shipped from their native lands and on to other lands who now firmly hold on to these once “foreign” traditions. I mean you hear of statements such as “what is Christmas without XYZ” from people all the time around the festive period.


All this talk about traditions got me thinking about some of the traditions which some African people hold on to for dear life, and so I ask;

Dear African person, is it really your tradition or does it have its roots somewhere in Victorian England or medieval France? Is it really your tradition or can you trace it back to Arabia if you squinted hard enough?

It’s crazy to think that we are just a few generations removed from colonialism going by when the majority of African countries got their independence in the 60s, and we have lost quite a bit of our native customs and spiritual beliefs. Anyway what do I know I am just a girl relearning her African tribes’ traditions and spiritual beliefs and connecting with my ancestors.

Happy New Year People!



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