Hello June and once again I am absolutely
fascinated by people named after months. May was better than April that’s for
sure reconnected big time with someone who is a blessing in my life and for
that I am grateful. This person means the world to me and all I want for them
is all of life’s goodness, the best things life has to offer, may all their
dreams come true, may they be blessed beyond measure just like their name.
People who are in denial and like to sweep
things under the rug and not address issues...what is the problem how can we
help? I don’t understand why you would rather pretend something doesn’t exist
instead of accepting what is there what is happening and take steps to either adapt,
adjust or remedy the situation. Pretending that it doesn’t happen will not make
you immune to it. That is all.
June feels like RESET
June feels like HOPE
June feels like RECONNECTION
June feels like OPPORTUNITIES
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