I haven’t done a wash day post in forever and thought
why not do one before the year is over. I have been washing my hair pretty much
on a regular basis as per my regimen so nothing new there. So this wash day I
pre pooed with my Amla oil mix for about fifteen to twenty minutes while my
face mask was setting (team multitaskJ). I then proceeded to do a first shampoo with my liquefied African black soapsince I
had a lot of product residue from the past week then did a second shampoo with
my Crème of Nature coconut and sunflower oil conditioning shampoo. This Crème
of Nature shampoo is a two in one shampoo and conditioner so there was no need
to use a conditioner which was god sent because I had run out of conditioner
anyway.I slightly detangled in shower
with the second shampoo and then rinsed, t-shirt dried turban style and then
when my hair was slightly damp I applied my leave in conditioner and a bit of
coconut oil and let it air dry. I left every other styling product use for the
next day. And that was my wash day in a nutshell.
For the longest time I felt that African YouTubers
based in Africa were somewhat sidelined in terms of recognition and involvement
by YouTube. I know that those whose views are good enough to warrant payment get
paid and all but that is as far as it went in my understanding and I stand to
be corrected on this. Google has offices in Nigeria, Kenya and South Africa but the
continent is yet to get a YouTube Space like they do in other parts of the
world I hope that is on the way YouTube.
So imaginemy
surprise when I stumbled on an article online talking about the first ever
YouTube Africa awards that were held in Johannesburg, South Africa last week. Check
out the clip belowit is an hour plus long. This is a step in the right direction hopefully there are
more awesome YouTube-Africa events to come.
So I came across this crotchet box braid tutorial on Facebook. I don’t know but for me,
personally it just seems like a whole lot of work.I mean first you have to do the box braids
with your own hair and then crotchet over that I think cornrows would be much
quicker, but then again this can work well for people with really long hair who have trouble with tucking in their cornrowed tails so that they are not bulky. I mean the end result looked good and all but it just seemed like a
lot of work to me. Another con for me was how she had to weave in her
natural hair tails with the crotchet latch hook to blend in with the crotchet
braids individually. I wonder how they are taken down looking at the whole
process I believe you have to unravel each individual crotchet braid in order
to release your natural hair box braids. So let’s compare the cornrow method
and the box braid method for crotchet braids and you be the judge.
Cornrow method
Hair is cornrowed in desired pattern
Crotchet braids are then installed over the cornrows
and you are done
For take down you simply unravel each cornrow and the
crotchet braids come out as you are taking out the cornrows
Box braid method
First you have to box braid your natural hair into
however many box braids you desire
Then you install each crotchet braid into each
individual box braid until the entire head is done
Once done installing you then need to tuck in each
natural hair tail into each individual crotchet braid to blend them in
For take down first you have to unravel each crotchet
braid to release your natural hair box braids
Once done you then have to take out each individual
box braid
I don’t know about you but for me the cornrow method
is so much easier and takes less time. Granted the end result for the box braid
method looks good and all but it takes way too much time and effort. I would
probably use the box braid method if I have someone else doing my hair and I
have a bit of time to spare but for now the cornrow method it is for me.