Thursday, 4 January 2024

Happy New Year!!!

To all and everyone still on these blogger streets. I miss what this community used to be I really do but I am also glad to see blogging being revived again. I have come across some new blogs and seen some old friends updating their blogs again which makes me VERY happy. Here’s to more blogging this year!!!


Random thoughts: as much as the block button on social media phones etc is god sent, I also think that blocking people who have done absolutely nothing to deserve it or did you no harm because of whatever difficult situation you are going through personally, is quite childish and immature especially when these people may be part of your story...


Imagine a scenario where one misses a lifetime opportunity because they blocked the person who would have recommended them for this opportunity. True story I currently know someone going through stuff that has been blocking people left right and centre, because they don’t want to deal with the concern and questions that are being thrown at them due to their current situation.  These concerns and questions come from a good place and are there to help alleviate the situation, but the person concerned out of shame (this particular story is a case of not heeding advice from those who’ve been there before and things turning out horribly) would rather block people than communicate the need for time or space to figure things out on their own first. If people don’t give them the space they asked for then absolutely they have every right to block them, but simply blocking people for showing you concern because you are ashamed or embarrassed of your situation is very immature.


I personally just delete numbers especially for people I am no longer cool with like that or no longer vibe with like that who have done me no wrong, (keyword: done me no wrong/harm) but I would rather not have their contact anymore. I would much rather delete their contact and leave open channels of communication should the need arise rather than block people...


Anyway what do I know...


May you have the spirit of discernment to know when to block and when to simply delete a contact in 2024.


Happy New Year!!!


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