Just over a year ago I was
living and working in a very hot and humid country for a while,
The answer to "what country?" is written on the billboard:) Click on the photo to enlarge if not clear |
I forgot to bring my blow
dryer and was not willing to pay almost three times the price for a new one
when I had one at home.
So I ended up air drying
my hair using a standalone fan by chance. I washed my hair on taking down
whatever protective style I had and would let it dry while sitting next to the
fan watching a movie or something.
My apologies for this grainy image, people had to be cropped out and the fan zoomed in from one of my old colleague's photos. |
I ended up protective
styling with extensions 90% the entire time I was there not because I was
trying to grow my hair but because it was convenient. I had them in for 3-4
weeks at a time and washed twice or thrice in between. The first week I was
there I washed almost every two days because I was sweating like crazy but once
I got accustomed to the weather I reduced the washing. With protective styles I
would use the fan or just let it air dry depending on the time of day. I liked
to wash braids in the morning so the sun would dry them on my way to work.
My hair thrived! Not only
did I retain a lot of length but it was also much thicker than I was used to. Back
then I was not on any hair journey, had not started reading any hair blogs religiously,
I was only air drying this way because I had no choice. Sadly as soon as I got
back home the blow dryer that I had missed terribly was put to good use, too
much good use and too much direct heat resulted in breakage:(
Moral of the story: you can cut your air drying time by
half using a stand alone or desk top fan to dry
your hair:)
Happy Easter people!
Happy Easter people!